Complaint Procedure

Goed Medical Center BV strives to provide services that meet the needs and expectations of you, the patient. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied, we would like to hear from you. You can report your complaint in person to your practitioner or at the reception desk. If you prefer to submit your complaint in writing, please send an e-mail to

Goed Medical Center sees complaints as an important means of improving the quality of treatment and therefore takes seriously all complaints that reach us. The goal is to resolve the complaint as much as possible, within our treatment center in consultation with the patient.

Complaints are dealt with in a systematic and structured manner, in accordance with the following guideline 'internal complaints procedure' of the treatment center. This can lead to preventive and possibly corrective measures, so that the same errors/complaints are prevented. A complaint form has been developed for the purpose of this procedure. The complaint is discussed at the next work meeting. This is then recorded on the action point list, see below.

Complaints are discussed directly with the patient if possible and resolved internally as soon as possible.
The complaints and/or points for improvement are discussed in the work meeting with all employees. (The procedure below also applies to this from point 10)


  1. Patient's complaint or expression of dissatisfaction arrives at 1 of Goed Medical Center staff members
  2. The staff member identifies the complaint and attempts to discuss it directly with the patient.
  3. If possible, the staff member will seek a solution in consultation with the patient.
  4. If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, the practice manager is called in.
  5. The complaint and outcome is reported back to the practice manager by the staff member.
  6. If the patient does not wish to discuss the complaint with own attending physician, the patient is offered to discuss the complaint with the practice manager or another physician.
  7. During the conversation between the patient and the practice manager or other physician, the complaint is discussed.
  8. A solution is sought in consultation with patient.
  9. If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, it is agreed that the patient will have a follow-up consultation within two weeks in which the result and conclusion will be discussed.
  10. The complaint is addressed during the work meeting.
  11. The practice takes measures (in the quality manual, if necessary) to prevent the complaint in the future.
  12. The outcomes are discussed with the patient (if desired).

    The Disputes Committee
    If the patient is not satisfied despite the efforts of treating physician and/or the practice manager, the patient is offered the option of formally filing the complaint with the Disputes Committee.

    You may submit your complaint in writing to:

    The Disputes Committee

    Postal address
    P.O. Box 90600
    2509 LP The Hague

    Visiting address
    Bordewijk Avenue 46
    2591 XR The Hague

    Phone number: 070 - 310 53 10
    Monday to Friday 09:00 - 16:00 hours

      What happens if you have filed a complaint?
      After you submit your complaint against the provider to The Dispute Resolution Committee, we will investigate your complaint. We will then ask you for additional information necessary to actually handle your complaint. Once all information is complete, we will submit the complaint to the provider.

      The provider will have one month to respond to your complaint. Your provider may also choose to respond to your complaint and find a solution together. If you then reach a solution together, we will discontinue the proceedings at The Disputes Committee.

      Once your provider's response is in, we collect your views and those of the other party (also digitally) and engage an expert if necessary. At a later stage, a date may be scheduled for the hearing on your complaint. Both you and your provider will have an opportunity there to verbally explain the complaint and response.

      After the hearing has been held, the Disputes Committee will issue a ruling based on all the documents and the explanation. This ruling will follow within 4 to 6 weeks after the hearing.

      For example, the statement may be:

      • You receive compensation;
      • The provider or you will be required to fulfill the agreement;
      • The agreement is undone;
      • A payment obligation is established.

      The committee's ruling is binding; everyone must abide by it. There is no appeal of the ruling.

        GOED Medical Center

        GOED Medical Center Breda
        Oude Vest 3B
        4811 HR Breda

        T. 076 204 32 40

        © 2024 GOED Medical Center
