What will I be reimbursed for?

All examinations and treatments (with the exception of Micronized Fat, PRP, Tenex, Bioplasty and KioMedine) are reimbursed under the basic policy. Your deductible applies. With a referral from your GP or medical specialist, it is not always clear to us which treatment is applicable to you. During the first intake we will discuss with you which treatment is best for you.

How do I get reimbursed?

GOED Medical Center does not have contracts with health insurance companies. As a result, we cannot send your bill directly to the insurer.

  • After a treatment program is completed, you will receive an invoice from GOED Medical Center. You are requested to submit this invoice to your insurance company yourself.
  • We work with a so-called goodwill scheme. This means that you only pay us the amount you are reimbursed by your insurer.
  • Therefore, if you receive a lower amount than the invoice amount from your health insurance company, you do not have to pay an additional fee.
  • Your deductible remains applicable and will be settled by your health insurance company. You do need to pay the deductible yourself. You do not have to advance anything, you can wait until the insurer has paid you.
  • You always need a referral from your primary care physician or medical specialist.

Exception: Are you insured with VGZ or ONVZ? If so, we do bill your insurer directly.

Coulance scheme GOED Medical Center - Good care for all.

At GOED Medical Center, we want to provide everyone with the same quality care without putting you at financial risk. The lack of a contract with health insurers from GOED Medisch Centrum can cause considerable differences in reimbursement from the insurer. In order to be able to offer the same care to everyone, the compensation arrangement was created.

Our goodwill policy ensures that you only pay us the amount you are reimbursed by your insurer. If you receive a lower amount than the invoice amount from your health insurance company, you do not have to pay extra. However, you do have to pay the deductible yourself.

Laws and regulations regarding care

GOED Medical Center provides medical specialty care and faces the same laws and regulations as a hospital.

Our care is funded on the basis of diagnosis-treatment combinations (DTC care products). The clinic charges these to the insurer or the patient. The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA) determines which DBC care products we can charge.

A care track is opened at the first intake interview. When a treatment takes place, this track closes 42 days after the treatment and a follow-up track is opened. (These rules are set by the NZA, we may not deviate from them.) When a new treatment takes place in this follow-up trajectory, you will receive a new invoice for this. A first outpatient trajectory runs for 90 days. For the invoice, it does not matter how often you come in these 90 days. After 90 days a follow-up trajectory will be opened, for which you will receive a new invoice.

Please note that it can sometimes take a few months before you receive an invoice.

Uninsured care

Some of our treatments are not covered by insured care. You will always be clearly informed if the care is not covered by your insurer. The first intake interview is covered by insured care (outpatient treatment). You will always receive a separate invoice for this.

Rates 2025

   Rates of uninsured care per treatment:

Treatment Single-sided Double-sided
PRP joint € 575,00 € 1150,00
PRP tendon € 750,00
PRP nerve € 895,00
PRP spine € 950
PRP Collagen € 1450,00 € 2900,00
Micronized Fat € 3500,00 € 6300,00
Arthrosamid € 2500,00 € 5000,00
Tenex treatment € 2995,00 € 5400,00
Bioplasty € 2990,00 € 5390,00
Kiomedine € 300,00 € 550,00

Passengers rates

Passerby rates are the rates you pay for treatments when you do not have basic insurance in the Netherlands, or when you receive treatment without a referral from your general practitioner or medical specialist. You can find the rates for our treatments here here.

Cost of exercise clinic

GOED Medical Center has its own exercise clinic with a specialized physical therapist. After treatment at GOED Medisch Centrum you will visit the exercise clinic if necessary. There you will receive exercise and movement advice and there may be a transfer to your own physical therapist.

To be clear: There is no additional cost associated with visiting the exercise clinic. Do you opt for further treatment by our physiotherapist? Then these treatments will be billed separately outside of GOED Medisch Centrum.

GOED Medical Center

GOED Medical Center Breda
Oude Vest 3B
4811 HR Breda

T. 076 204 32 40
E. info@goedmedischcentrum.nl

© 2024 GOED Medical Center
